Sunday Gatherings


We gather together as a group on Sunday evenings to worship together, dig deeper into God's word, encourage one another, and fellowship over a meal.

Address: 303 S. Main Street, Georgetown, TX 78628
Time: 5:00pm on Sundays

What To Expect

We've try to keep things pretty simple and welcoming at our Sunday gatherings. People start to show up at 5pm and we usually will begin shortly after that. There will be someone at the beginning to welcome everyone and give a few announcements. After that we usually have a time of worship and singing praise songs followed by a bible study that is usually taught by Steven Testone, our lead pastor, or one of the other elders at the church. Afterwards we usually close with another song and then we will bring out the tables and have dinner together. We always have enough for guests so feel free to join us as it's a great way to get to know people!

If you want to get a better idea of what the messages are like, you can watch or listen to all of our previous sermons online and if you aren't feeling up to coming in person and would like to get a preview of our Sunday gatherings, we also will live stream from this website and our app starting at 5:15pm.


We do offer childcare for 5th grade and below. Our main building at 303 doesn't offer enough space for this during the service but our good friends a Main Street Baptist church have graciously allowed us to use their facilities during this time. After the service parents are invited to pick up their kiddos so they can join us for dinner!